Lost and Found (Lost & Found N

by Greenitco Technologies Pvt Ltd



Exclusive Online Platform to report your lost found at Lost & Found in Minutes. khoya paya Earn Rewards if you find something & want to help someone today. Free search engine for Lost and Found. Please visit our site www.lostandfoundnetworks.com 3 lakh children across India are forced to beg, The Indian National Human Rights Commission reports that 40,000 children are abducted in India every year, over 25% of whom remain untraced. We often see homeless children wandering on the streets, begging or asking for food, trying to sell flowers etc. How can we help them? Its our duty to give a good future to them. If we start spending just 5 minutes for them, its possible.Here are some ways you can help to rescue children forced into begging1. Start ReportingBegging is a crime in India. So you can start reporting this to authorities. Maybe the children were kidnapped and forced to beg. So start reporting authorities if possible.2. Use social mediaOne of the simple ways to help them is, sharing in social media. There are so many pages that were created only to help those children. So have a look and start sharing their photos and other information. Ref, Lost and found networksLostandfoundnetworks.com is a free platform for reporting any kind of loss and found including bags, wallet, document for across the globe